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be respectful to other people’s views
尊重其他人的观点  detail>>
other people
其他的人 人家  detail>>
 adj.  1.尊重人的,表示敬意的;谦恭的,有礼貌的,殷勤的。 2.〔古语〕可尊敬的。  短语和例子   ...  detail>>
01-some other people
一些其他人  detail>>
and other people or things
以及其他人或事物  detail>>
as a result of other people‘s actions
受害者,牺牲者,受骗者  detail>>
asking favors of other people
请别人帮忙  detail>>
asking other people if they understand
问别人是否听明白了  detail>>
copy other people
硬搬别人的经验  detail>>
families friends and other people
朋友与他人  detail>>
introducing other people
给别人做介绍  detail>>
nervous people and other satires
紧张的人和其他讽刺故事  detail>>
not including other people
没有其他相关人物  detail>>
not inferior to other people
不亚于别人  detail>>
of the palestinian people and other
为特别委员会  detail>>
other people’s bugs
其他人的程序错误  detail>>
other young people
其他年轻人  detail>>
people jostled each other
人们互相挤来挤去  detail>>